Category listing: rv-remap (Remapping textures)

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Type Topic Date Size Author(s)
Chat Log General remapping questions
2000-03-10 30 lines triple6s, BurnRubr, scloink, ali
Chat Log General discussion of remap and .bmp mapping
2000-03-10 26 lines triple6s, BurnRubr, scloink
Chat Log About texture mapping custom instances with different tools than 3dstudio max
2000-03-10 44 lines BurnRubr, scloink, ali
Chat Log General description of remap useage
2000-03-21 4 lines dod1, BurnRubr
Chat Log Reassigning texture letters
2000-04-30 20 lines Antimorph, SuperTard
Chat Log Remap objects to other textures
2000-05-02 5 lines SuperTard, ali