Chat Log: Questions about rvglue3

Listed in: tools, rvglue
Date: 2000-03-12
Author: ali
03:14 BurnRubr: got a question for you ali
03:15 ali: Wow... Shoot
03:15 ali: Its late at night for you, t6s! What are you doing here? (4am, or?)
03:15 BurnRubr: what the best way to remove track pieces from a track with your rv-glue
03:15 BurnRubr: i tried it and itcrashed revolt on level load
03:15 ali: Specific single pieces?
03:16 BurnRubr: yes single pieces and all pieces
03:16 triple6s: i dont sleep good up this late a lot
03:16 BurnRubr: i got rid of every thing but track bits
03:16 SuperTard: hehe
03:16 BurnRubr: and it worked
03:16 BurnRubr: but when took out track bits it crashed
03:16 SuperTard: SENT
03:17 ali: Hm. You cannot remove everything. If the resulting .w and .ncp files are empty, revolt crashes.
03:17 BurnRubr: argh that why tehn
03:17 ali: If you want to remove everything, there is no need to include it.
03:17 ali: I don't know.
03:18 BurnRubr: how make empty w file
03:18 ali: Additionally, everything that is outside the track body's boundaries can't be solid.
03:18 BurnRubr: i got it solid
03:18 BurnRubr: by using original ncp file
03:18 BurnRubr: not one by rv glue
03:19 ali: If you have an empty .ncp file, it won't be solid anymore, regardless whether your instances have .ncp's or not
03:19 BurnRubr: not backed up ncp from editor befor using glue
03:19 BurnRubr: then after using glue used backup of original track editor ncp
03:20 ali: Hm. Then you need only a .w.
03:20 BurnRubr: and seemed to work okay for me
03:20 BurnRubr: mind you only tested for a short time
03:20 ali: Command file that consists only of the "create" statement creates an empty .w
03:21 BurnRubr: so i can use rv glue to make empty w file
03:21 BurnRubr: not need to convert track editor one
03:21 BurnRubr: that what i was doing before
03:21 BurnRubr: removing from track editor one
03:21 ali: Yes. But I think re-volt will crash then. (Remember having an empty .w crashes re-volt... But I'm not sure)
03:22 BurnRubr: i try later anyway
03:22 ali: Perhaps you should try to create a *small* .w file instead - consisting only of the box pile in the corner for example
03:22 BurnRubr: give me something to do
03:22 BurnRubr: thanks Ali
03:23 BurnRubr: how you do the box pile create
03:23 triple6s: brb
03:25 ali: create ( xyz ) legotrack.w ( tedelete ( pwall rwall carimg floor lamp track ) )
03:26 BurnRubr: so that just leave the box pile
03:27 BurnRubr: so if i then put in 1 instance can i remove the box pile
03:27 ali: I think so, yes.
03:30 BurnRubr: i not know rv-glue could make a w file
03:31 BurnRubr: thought you had to use editor first
03:31 BurnRubr: now i know different

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